Monday, 19 January 2009

My Kind of book

Just briefly to take umbrage with Will (always a pleasure) but especially his assessment of TKO, which I polished off yesterday on a train journey to the smoke and back. Not at all clumsily done, I thought - just really bloody enjoyable from beginning to end. The seven deadly sins (and Sir Magnus' allocation of them to his guests) was a masterstroke of comedy genius, and even the reappearance of Bob Duport (one of my least favourite characters up until now) was worthwhile - esp. his unwitting teasing of Jenkins re: Jean's affairs. Widmerpool, of course, steals the show with his officer-speak and proclamations of "my boy".

Perhaps Will was suffering from Powell-fatigue (exasperation) after 3 quickfire volumes in a row, whereas a steady pace, with breaks to read other books, is the way to do these. I'm certainly enjoying it this way - picking up the next volume is quickly becoming like meeting up with old friends.

I actually thought it couldn't get much better after CCR - guess what, it just did.

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