Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Not furnishing mine

I took delivery of the remaining volumes today - I now have all 12, and am beginning to regret not having gone down the 12 volume option. While my four are handsome enough, they lack the real impressiveness of the full run.

It is all a little academic anyway, they are in face lining my desk at work, rather than furnishing my rooms at home due to ongoing decoration needs. I'm now pursuing a slightly odd policy of reading books to bring them into work, and leaving them there - causing some concern there.

Nonetheless I will begin vol 3 imminently - in the meantime, I am mostly reading travel literature as it's one of the only categories that isn't in boxes or dumped on the spare bed.


Andrew Murray said...

Yes, the 12 volume set will look quite splendid when I have them all in. Not least because of their proximity to that other series by a "P" author on my (newly re-arranged) shelves. Question is, what to do with the Guide, which currently sits in my Lit Crit and Biography section - the temptation to put it next to the novels is great, but that may set a dangerous precedent wherein lies complete categorisation anarchy. I note that this is a debate that will excite very few people though.

Progress update on BM - I have just started Chapter 4, which is short. I will have caught up by the weekend and I expect the momentum will help me to motor through the next volume. After the change in tone, it's become good again and I'm reminded why I want to read it... becoming rather Proustian too.

Will Garrood said...

I was commenting on the potential for proximity at work this morning - only Pratchett and Proulx between them.

Resist the temptation for categorisation anarchy.