Monday, 4 August 2008

A call to arms

September approaches. We have effectively aimed for a September 1st start date by, er, no-one actually starting in August.

I've given some thought to the rules. Here we go:
1. Read a volume a month for the next 12 months (catch-ups allowed)
2. Write at least one blog entry a month, ideally when you have finished
3. Don't write plot spoilers until everyone is finished
4. Write other blog entries on a Powellian theme or about your (lack of) progress at any time

I have my bumper three volumes in a book. I am ready for the Autumn.


Andrew Murray said...

Splendid. Nice, simple rules. Particularly happy about the ban on plot spoiling... not a problem we really had with Proust given the lack of one for much of the novel.

Daniel Johnson said...

I went on a trawl of Oxford charity shops for a copy just the other day with no luck. But yes, plan sounds spiffing. Perhaps we should aim for a monthly pub visit as well...

Anonymous said...

When you have finished what?

Anonymous said...

When you have finished what?

Will Garrood said...

The volume for that month.