Monday, 7 July 2008

First steps

Ever since the demise of the Proust blog (link alongside) and the recent malaise of Facebook's Books application there has been a distinct lack of a suitable location in Cyberspace in which one can discuss one's reading in an appropriately pretentious and over-indulgent manner. Alas, no longer.

This blog ostensibly exists to chart our progress through Powell's Dance, but proclamations, however ridiculous, on Powell, Proust or anyone/anything else are entirely welcome, indeed are very warmly encouraged.

Mr Garrood, I am certain, will furnish us with further complicated ground rules for the Powellathon, but for my part I am in favour of simplicity. 12 volumes, thus one per month for a year. Each Powellanaut should blog at least once per volume/month.

As for the start date - we can either begin in August or September. Opinions please?